English Box Hedge

Buxus Sempervirens The original box hedge. English Buxus have long leaves with pointed ends, they can be used for hedging or topiary (stand alone or in a cluster). Slow growing. To create a tight hedge annual clipping would be required. New foliage has a lighter green colour but does darken when hardened off. During the
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Japanese Box Hedge

Buxus Microphylla Japonica Japanese Box Hedge is a more ‘modern’ garden hedge with its rounded, lime green waxy leaves. The Japanese Box Hedge is popular against darker back drops. They have an unruly growth pattern but when trimmed often (2-3 times yearly) a dense hedge or topiary can be obtained. Drought tolerant so suited to
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Dutch Box Hedge

Buxus Sempervirens Suffruticosa Dutch Box Hedges have a rounded leaf of dark green, not dissimilar to English Box colour and are dense growing. Their new foliage is a lime green colour but darkens when hardened off. Dutch Box grow in a natural ball shape with branching out from the base so are very suited to
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English Variegated Box Hedge

Buxus Sempervirens Variegated Variegated English Box, the original box hedge with a variegated leaf. Long leaves with pointed ends, outer of the leaf is a cream colour and inner is the typical English Box Hedge dark green. Can be used for hedging or topiary (stand alone or in a cluster). Slow growing. To create a
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Korean Box Hedge

Buxus Microphylla Microphylla (Koreana) Korean box hedge have long, elongated, narrow leaves that are a lighter green colour to English Box. They do not grow in a dense fashion but can be topiary. They have a cloud shape, soft look when let grow uncontrolled, good for rock gardens or organic edging.
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